Sunday, July 12, 2020


This is like a spin-off "What if" story centering on Zantafio getting turn into a marsupilami thanks to a cursed artifact.

My concept idea is called “La MalĂ©diction De Marsupilami” (The Curse Of Marsupilami)

The Plot

After recovering from the events of Album n °55, Zantafio finds out about a jade Marsupilami idol in a temple deep in the jungle, seeing this as an opportunity to get rich and pay off the Russin Mafia Zantafio goes off to steal it, but his plans backfire when the idol puts a curse him turning him into a Marsupilami. Can Zantafio figure out a way to lift the curse or will he stay stuck as a Marsupilami forever?

I’m going to be use thing from 55 in this idea after I manage to translate it better or if someone translates it to english then I can work on this concept to better fit. That's why the synopsis is short cause I don’t want to give away too much of what will happen here.

These are couple of drawing I did of the idea and I’m still working on it today.



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