Mr. Slicker- Mickey Mouse Dailies 1930
Mortimer- Mickey's Rival 1936
Montmorency (Monty) Rodent-Mickey comics 1941
Mortimer Mouse-Mickey Mouse Works 1999
Mortimer Mouse-Mickey Mouse Works Episode "Mickey and the Goatman"2000
Mortimer Mouse- House of Mouse 2001

Little Trivia
Walt was originally going to name Mickey, Mortimer, but his wife insisted on a new name. Mortimer also appeared in many Mickey Mouse comic in different regions but under another name Montmorency Rodent but the name didn't stick so he got his name Mortimer back and in animated series Mickey Mouse Works and House of Mouse, Mortimer got his catchphrase, "Ha-cha-cha!"
Their’s more trivia but this is all I'll give you.
My Thoughts
Personally I love the House of Mouse version of Mortimer so much better his buck teeth and hat are removed and I believe he still has his tail it's probably tucked it in his pants like Mickey dose so I just drawn him a tail cause he looked good with it, pulse when ever he isn't tiring to put the move on Minnie, he's tiring to flirt with ever woman in the club with funny result he even tried to hit on Daisy Duck in the first episode!
This is a character who deserve a stronger role and I’d weird that there’s isn't much fanart or fanfics of him he's a pretty cool character. Sure he's a jerk but that's what I like about him it's like he's the opposite of Mickey.
Their is so much thing Disney can do with this guy but they are really neglecting him.
He can be Mickey allie which was shown in House of Mouse Episode "Mickey and the Culture Clash" even if it's so he can trick both Mickey a Minnie, plus their was an episode of Mickey's Mouse Works "Mickey Mix up" Mickey faxing Minnie a love letter but it went to Mortimer instead and he becomes friendly to Mickey only to be a jerk again when Mickey told him the fax was a mistake. LOL. But it's episode like these that makes you think of that what if scenario.
My what if scenario.
He may be a secondary rival to Mickey but stop and think about this one thought I have, what if he became a good guy and quite being a villain, how would the other villains of Mickey Mouse would take it? And more importantly how would Mickey take it? Seeing as how he never liked him to start with? That has been running in my head for a long time now of course in this idea I would have The Phantom Blot(not the Shadow Blot for Epic) and Pete uses Mortimer needs to be a good guy against him and to get Mickey.
Pairing and other thoughts on Mortimer
Mortimer can be paired with someone like Clarabelle Cow since their are three episodes of House of Mouse that shows their can be a relationship between them. I also thought of creating a Disney character to pair up with him.
I also wonder what he dose in he's spare time when he's not flirting with ladies and teasing Mickey or what would happen if he dog sits Pluto, heck he can have his own cartoon short.
Also I notice that he can just as well be a character for Kingdom Harts like a character who can be in-between good and evil or in this case the light and darkness.
I'm just so tempted to experiment with this character to see what I can do with him. Every one ells should too. this is a Disney toon who deserves attention.
Wow I really did allot of thought into this and you know I like it:)
Art © Kim C. Jones
Mortimer Mouse © Disney